Sarah Palin for president!

Let me be the first to say this, too: Republicans need to flip their ticket: Sarah Palin for president, McCain for VP. Put Sarah on the top and they’ll win big.’s blog has been running some items showing she’s a kindred spirit to Ron Paul (except on war, of course). Lew writes:

From a February MTV interview: “He’s a good guy,” she added. “He’s so independent. He’s independent of the party machine. I’m like, ‘Right on, so am I.'”

Thomas DiLorenzo writes:

Ron Paul supporters advocated that Ron pick her as his vice presidential running mate eleven months ago, stressing her libertarian policy stances and her family values.

James Ostrowski writes:

Are they reading LRC?

McCain skipped over several neocons to pick someone who I am hearing from all over is a “libertarian.” Maybe they realize the importance of the libertarian swing vote after all.

I’m not saying she’s a libertarian but Andrea Mitchell is.

Once again, Ron Paul was ahead of the game. Come to think of it, how about nominating Sarah Palin for president — and Ron Paul for VP? That would carry every state.

3 Responses to “Sarah Palin for president!”

  1. Mike Says:

    As time moves on, could she become Thomas Eagleton, Jr.?

  2. Pat Mason Says:

    The problem I’m having with Palin is that she would even stand NEXT to McBomber on the same stage much less make the statement she’s “proud” to be nominated by Insane McCain for Vice President, ‘Dog Catcher,’ or ANYTHING ELSE having anything to do with this homicidal maniac’s regime!

    Palin has always struck me as one of the last true conservatives left in a power position (governor). Besides her, only Ron Paul clearly stands out. Palin’s critics have made utterly laughable assertions to her ability to even be NOMINATED as VP. So, how much lying and deceit DOES it take to run the modern Amerikan Dictatorship!? And as far as her “experience” goes just how much “experience” did Baby-Boy Bush have when he bought the White House? I do remember something about him being at the helm of several now-defunct oil companies and other money-down-the-drain ventures the loaded Bush family bestowed on him to burn down.

    Other laughable critical acclaim includes guffawing her “only 20 month” tenure as governor of Alaska (“only 7,700 people! Obviously a bunch of separatists, Grizzly Adams-wannabees, and White Supremacists!”). And everyone knows “beauty queens” are ipso facto dolts. Remember Ms.South Carolina!? Jeez!

    So, all this vitriol for an obviously talented woman – both in brains and beauty – while the real arch criminals McCain and Obama get a free pass, along with a cadre of other Fascist misfits adorning BOTH parties. Talk about ‘Casting the First Stone.’ What would Jesus do? Well, if he really is alive and well he’s (hopefully) picking up the biggest boulder he can find and about to deliver it squarely on the pin-heads of all these pin-heads I’m talking about. How dense does one really have to be to attempt to blackmail the Russian Bear over a piece of its OWN PROPERTY and not only begin another cold war but get nose-to-nose with the biggest, baddest BEAR we could ever take on!!!? And, talk about the shear gal and making threats we can’t even back up!?

    The most tragic event of this entire sorry election spectacle, however, is really a tie between the complete stupidity of the ‘American’ people and the breathtakingly BAD decision a talented up-and-coming Sarah Palin has made. If she ever was the REAL THING she just sank her chances of ever gaining more true Patriot supporters and probably has lost a great many of her current constituency by standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the most WARMONGERING FASCIST this country has dredged up in recent memory.

    And to all those fawning Obama-philes, you better get off your dream cloud and take a good, hard look at who your saint just handed his VP nomination to. None other than the WORST democrat he could have picked. Besides Biden’s other HORRIBLE socio/political agendas his warmongering is right up there with Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, and McBomber. If Obama has any skittishness with WAR or messin’ with the Russian Sasquatch, Biden DOES NOT! “Chickenhawk” is way too tame a word for what Biden is. So, before you dems start French kissing each other and relishing your own farts you better read up on just what kind of creep Joe Biden really is, and I don’t mean the watered-down Fox “News”, CNN, Washington Post flavor.

  3. Sue Says:

    The problem with McCain is that he is a Democrat in Republican clothing. Palin is a traditional Republican. Both parties are shifting more and more to the left, which has led to an imbalance for people who are Republican/Conservative. That is why she was received so favorably. The American right is sick of the blatent corruption going on in Washington. In order to clean up and re-balance the “good ole boys and girls” we need someone who is strong and dedicated and ethical. I pray that this ticket will be the ones to do it, but I’m not holding my breath.

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