Sarah Palin as VP candidate: Pretty choice

palinThe most positive factor in John McCain’s choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for VP — and I’m the only one with the guts to say it in these politically correct times — is that she’s the prettiest major-party candidate ever to run for vice-president. Do you want to spend the next 4-8 years looking at Biden or Sarah?

Heck, if the next VP eventually becomes president, that could be 16 years we’re talking about looking at this person. If Biden wins, I’m going to throw away my 21-year old Mitsubishi even before it becomes obsolete next February.

For McCain’s campaign, the negative is that her inexperience — two years as Alaska’s governor — negates the charge that Obama is inexperienced. Nobody knows much about her. And her home state already is solidly Republican.

But on the positive side for his campaign, she solidifies his Republican base by being pro-life and anti-tax. She’s the Mom of 5 kids, the youngest born just 4 months ago; so pro-aborts can’t say to her, as they do to pro-life men, “What do you know about being pregnant?”

She also was a reformer in Alaska politics and knows a lot about the energy business, a big issue in the campaign. And no doubt the McCain camp is expecting her to win the “Hillary vote,” supposedly women who want a woman in a high office, and don’t care about anything else. I wonder how many voters actually are like that.

What’s unknown so far is exactly how much she supports McCain’s belligerent, anti-American foreign policy, and his endorsement of the anti-American police state at home (the “Patriot” Act — really the Traitors’ Act — etc.). She probably endorses them quite a bit.

Unlike Cheney in 2000 and Biden in 2008, she has no decades-long experience in the federal government, so she will not, like them, act as a Rasputin to the standard-bearer. She will let McCain be McCain.

Now that’s scary.


Update 11:10 a.m., PST: In her speech this morning, Palin took the Neocon/McCain line on Iraq, Iran, Georgia, etc. She has a son in the Army who soon will be posted to Iraq. She pronounces nuclear “nu-cu-lear,” like Bush. And she praised Hillary’s “determination.” Palin promised that she would carry Hillary’s mission to “shatter the glass ceiling, once and for all!”

Her speech:

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