More tyranny: girl arrested for not paying $10 library fine

The dark night of tyranny continues to descend across America. In Wisconsin, Heidi Dalibor, 20, was arrested, handcuffed, and booked for not returning 2 public library books she took out a year ago, and not paying a $10 library fine:

she was surprised when officers with a warrant knocked on her door, cuffed her and took her to the police station to be fingerprinted and photographed. Police Capt. Joe Gabrish said officers follow the same procedure with every warrant.

(Here’s a video.)

Is this all Wisconsin police have to deal with? Have all murders, assaults, and robberies been solved?

And why do cops nowadays handcuff everybody, even for something this stupid? The answer: because cops nowadays exist not to enforce law and order, but to tyrannize us. Handcuffing shows who’s boss: the government. Mere citizens are slaves to be manacled at will.

Ironically, the library’s name is the “USS Liberty Memorial Public Library” — liberty being the opposite of what happened.

libraryHeidi’s arrest also shows why government libraries, like this one, should be abolished in favor of private libraries, such as the great Mechanics’ Institute Library in San Francisco (pictured at right). The cost to be a member is $95, which is less than the $172 Heidi’s mom paid to get her out of the slammer. This is yet another example of how private activities cost much less than “public” ones.

Finally, as the video shows, Heidi is a pretty girl. And pretty girls shouldn’t be arrested for any but the most heinous crimes. Traffic violations and other misdemeanors? Let the off. In better days, all a pretty girl had to do was bat her eyelashes at a cop, and he wouldn’t arrest her, or cite her.

Why should pretty girls not be arrested, or even cited? If you have to ask, you’ll never understand.

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