I TOLD you Gov. Steroid would try to increase taxes

schwarzeneggerLast December, I predicted:

Arnold will try to increase taxes next year

Arnold faces a $14 billion deficit. What will he do?

In his January budget, he’ll call for only massive spending cuts to balance the budget. This will be the beginning of a kabuki dance with the Democratic Legislature. They will denounce him for “hurting the poor,” etc…

Then he’ll come out for…

major tax increases — at least $5 billion, I’d guesstimate.

Bingo.  The L.A. Times reported today:

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed during private negotiations over the weekend to close the state’s $15.2-billion budget gap with a temporary but immediate one-cent hike in the state sales tax, according to legislative sources….

The governor could declare that over time — perhaps a decade or longer — his statewide plan amounts to a tax cut. In the near term, it would raise more than $5 billion per year.

What a bunko artist. A tax increase becomes a tax “cut”!

A tax increase in the midst of an economic recession would hit the state like a 9-Richter earthquake. Citizens will leave or not come here, businesses will take off, and people will buy more stuff tax-free from the Internet. They might not get that $5 billion.

And, with people leaving the state, other revenue sources — especially the income tax and capital gains tax — will take a big hit, maybe as big as $6 billion or more. In other words, the tax “increase” would increase rates, but not revenues. It would be a negative tax.

That happened in the early 1990s when then-Gov. Pete Wilson, another “moderate” Republican and mentor to Gov. Steroid, increased taxes and saw state revenues decline by $2 billion, from $42 billion to $40 billion.

Federal and state tax hikes, too

Gov. Steroid’s tax-increase obsession isn’t the only one. Local governments across Taxifornia are getting in on tax-increase mania.

Both Barack Obama and John McCain are talkin’ tax increases.

And let’s not forget that the Federal Reserve Board’s inflationist policies are a tax increase. Is your salary keeping up with increased prices for gas, groceries, and much else? I didn’t think so.

So we could get a triple-whammy: federal, state, and local tax increases. Is it any wonder the economy is floudering?

Will they ever learn?

And Gov. Arnold’s sales-tax boost won’t be “temporary.” It supposedly will last 3-4 years, conveniently getting Gov. Steroid beyond his term in office. Then the next governor — Jerry Brown, Sen. Feinstein, or some other Democrat — will have to deal with the problems created by Arnold’s tax increases and crashing economy. And they’ll deal with it by continuing the tax.

A couple of years ago, unemployment here was below the national average. Gov. Arnold’s policies have increased our unemployment rate by 1.6 percentage points in just the past year, to 6.9%.  to the third-worst in the nation, behind only depressed Michigan and Rhode Island.

This is really what Gov. Arnold means by “postpartisanship”: He’s worse than Republicans and Democrats.

california unemployment

One Response to “I TOLD you Gov. Steroid would try to increase taxes”

  1. Brittanicus Says:

    What do you think as caused the massive budget meltdown and escalating unemployment in California?
    Let’s face it confronting the huge budget deficit, brought upon the people of California from ‘Sanctuary city’ policies and allowing illegal aliens access to state, county and city welfare programs has caused a major disaster. Now Arnold and the state morons must look for other means to extract taxes and dollar bills from property owners to keep overcrowded schools running , the free health care (illegal alien) system and make room in the also overburdened prisons. The assembly is overrun with Latino radicals who reserve the right, to allow the influx of as many illegal third world country cheap labor force that can spirit into the border states. Arnold seems to have lost his way, or been intimidated by the Democratic-Liberal-Socialist makeup in Sacramento’s assembly.

    The major malefactor is the predatory employers, who hire cheap slave labor because its easy to exploit them. Chasing down illegal immigrants is mainly a waste of time, because their are millions of them, as they are being attracted by jobs. Giving ICE more funding and training regular police departments with more enforcement powers against the company CEO, directors or managers is a serious deterrent.

    If the E-verify system becomes mandatory and businesses become paranoid of the next ICE, sweep. Knowing that massive fines confiscation of assets and prison. Therefore our government must go after the pariah businesses, because they are the culprits and they must be held accountable.

    Appropriations of money and equipment would come from enactment of the Federal SAVE ACT (H.R.4088). Funding from bill is but a few cents, for what federal, state, county and local government expenditures are now to financial support illegal alien families.We cannot even comprehend the amount of money expounded, if AMNESTY becomes law.

    It’s also unthinkable if we keep underwriting illegal immigrants, while their employers collect the profits. Then their are the millions waiting quietly just over the undermanned border. YOU are the payee, the taxpayer? You need to realize the implications of irreversible OVERPOPULATION. Go to NUMBERSUSA, CAPSWEB, to learn the real truth and not the propaganda.

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