Actor Michael Caine explains Supply-Side Economics

caine connerySupply-Side Economics is criticized a lot, especially by those blaming “the free market” for the current economic doldrums — even though government’s hyper-regulation is the real culprit.

But all Supply-Side Economics states is that if you tax and regulate people above a certain level, they stop producing and investing. If they’re poor, they suffer terribly from the lack of production and jobs. If they’re rich, they move their capital, or themselves, to other states or countries.

In his autobiography, “My Life,” Bill Clinton trashed Supply-Side Economics — then went on to laud his own two capital gains taxes in his second term, which were SSE tax cuts! Well, no one ever accused ol’ Bill of the audacity of veracity.

But don’t mind what I say. Listen to Sir Michael Caine, one of my favorite actors. He stars in one of my favorite movies, “The Man Who Would Be King,” with Sean Connery.

From a working-class Cockney background, Caine rose to be one of the world’s top actors, with the movie salaries to prove it. In the current GQ magazine includes an interview with Caine:

But you were in L.A. for most of the ’80s.
Eight years. It was a time of massive taxes here [in England; I think Caine means the 1970s, before Thatcher’s tax cuts — J.S.].

Do I recall rightly? Sean Connery was in the same situation. The taxation rate was 90 percent?

Oh, only 82.
In certain circumstances, it could be 90. So I got out. I’m never giving any government more money than I take home. It’s now 40 here, so I live with that.

Why would anyone do anything if they had to give up 90 percent of what they make?
Hey, we’ve got a whole culture here of benefit [welfare]. We’ve got 3 million people on benefit here. It’s not worth goin’ to work. I mean, don’t get me started on this…. No. No, no.

The anomalies here are incredible. Two and a half million British people sitting on their arses, on benefits, and bringing foreign workers in to do the jobs they won’t do. How does that work out?

Keep that in mind while Obama and others keep blabbing about increasing taxes on “the rich.”

And check out “The Man Who Would Be King,” which is based on a Kipling story. It tells you all you need to know about what happens to anyone trying to conquer Afghanistan. Too bad Bush didn’t see it in 2001 before invading.

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