Oil price joke

oil price

To deal with the rising price of oil, Bush, Obama, and McCain gathered in a secret meeting room in a high-rise office building in Houston. Before them flashed a video screen showing the price of oil — rising, rising, rising.

“I’ll take care of this problem,” Obama said. “I’ve gathered the nation’s top oil executives in the room next door. You know I’m a great orator. Best since Reagan. Change you can believe in. I’ll exhort them to have the audacity of hope and cut the price of oil.” Obama opened a door, went into the room with the oil executives, and closed the door.

A few minutes later, he returned to the room with Bush and McCain. All three watched the video screen. The price of oil just kept rising.

“My friends, you’re just a couple of pansy chickenhawks,” McCain barked. “You never fought in a war. I have. I’m an authentic war hero. We need to go to war against these greedy oil executives. I’m just the guy to do it. We’re in it, let’s win it.” He pulled an M-16 from a U.S. Navy duffel bag and marched to the adjacent room with the oil executives, shutting the door behind him.

A few minutes later gunshots and screaming were heard. Then McCain, covered in blood and huffing, returned to the room with Bush and Obama.

“That’ll take care of the problem,” McCain wheezed. “The oil executives wouldn’t cut the price of oil, so I executed all of them. With those greedy cheaters out of the way, the price of oil quickly will come down.”

The three men sat and looked at the video screen. The price of oil kept rising.

“You guys are mere senators, rank amateurs who misunderestimate the situation,” Bush said. “You’re not qualified for a higher job. I’ve been president for almost 8 years and know how to handle these crises. Let me take care of it.”

Bush walked over to the TV monitor and pulled the plug. The screen went blank.

“See,” Bush said. “The price of oil isn’t rising anymore.”

One Response to “Oil price joke”

  1. larry gilbert Says:

    John. This is beautiful. With your permission I would love to add it to one of our current “crude” stories. Not that type of crude.
    Best regards,
    Larry Gilbert

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