Bush and Cheney should resign after McClellan revelations

bush cheneyI’ve been saying for years that Bush and Cheney lied us into the Iraq War. This war was not needed, and now has killed more than 4,000 brave American troops and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians.

Former Bush Press Secretary Scott McClellan gives us the first — of many to follow — rat’s eye view of the inside of the Bush rat’s nest. You’ve probably read most of the revealing excerpts from his new book, “What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception” — published next Monday — so I’ll just include a couple:

He signed off on a strategy for selling the war that was less than candid and honest.

Or, as the anti-war slogan has it: Bush lied, people died.

The Iraq war was not necessary.

Like I’ve been saying from before it started. As I have been pointing out for six years, Saddam didn’t have WMD, didn’t have ties to al-Qaeda, and couldn’t hurt the USA.

The Bush team imitated some of the worst qualities of the Clinton White House and even took them to new depth.

Clinton was a massive liar, but any American with an IQ above room temperature knew he was lying. A lot of people still bought his hokum because they wanted to believe it was true, like some people believe the U.S. Constitution can be restored.

Bush was different because he had that East Coast patrician sensibility about “honor”: he went to Phillips Academy, Yale, and Harvard, after all. They’ve been running the country for 450 years and England for millennia before that. The patricians know what’s best. They’re better than us. They have a code of chivalry — don’t they?

Maybe they used to. But now that reputation is just a facade behind which lies even bigger than those told by Clinton were percolated, then unleashed upon us.

If there’s any chivalry left with Bush and Cheney, they would resign today. Of course, there isn’t — and they won’t.

They’re dishonorable and mendacious cads and bounders, the opposite of the ancient ideal of the gentleman. They’re chickenhawks who avoided Nam, but sent young men — and even, the ultimate unchivalrous act — young women, to die in a pointless and unneeded war.

They won’t resign because men who commit the kinds of crimes they did are not the type to act honorably.

Just McClellan’s book, but the many more that will follow, will tell the story of this administration of infamy.

The truth will out.

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