Gov. Arnold injects steroids into state apparatchiks’ pay and perks

Now we know what Gov. Arnold’s “post-partisanship” means: bankrupting the state, never balancing the budget, effectively abolishing marriage (by changing its definition), and paying huge perks and pay to state apparatchiks. He’s injecting state government with the same steroids he shot into his body during his bodybuilding days.

Dig this:

The state of California’s payroll is skyrocketing, even as its budget deficit has grown to billions of dollars in recent months.

In Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s first four years, the total bill for state workers’ salaries jumped by 37 percent, compared with a 5 percent increase in the preceding four years under then-Gov. Gray Davis, a Chronicle analysis of state payroll records shows.

One month before Schwarzenegger took office in November 2003, just eight state employees earned more than $200,000 a year working in the core state government, which excludes universities and the Legislature. In April of this year, there were nearly a thousand, according to records.

And the number of state employees making six-figure salaries has more than doubled since 2003, to nearly 15,000. Meanwhile, the number of state workers has grown by 26,000 under Schwarzenegger after being cut by Davis, who was recalled from office in the midst of a severe budget crisis.

Was your salary last year $200,000? I didn’t think so. Yet the tax-eating parasites who run our lives like Soviet commissars were rewarded by Arnold with massive pay boosts, putting them in an overclass of their own. He’s much more a spendthrift than even Gray Davis, who was recalled!

I’ve been warning Californians for years that we need to Recall Arnold.

It’s not too late.

One Response to “Gov. Arnold injects steroids into state apparatchiks’ pay and perks”

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