California government de-legitimitizes itself by “legalizing” the joke of same-sex “marriage”

arnoldPeople in government, and even many outside of it, can’t conceive of a government losing its legitimacy. After all, government has the guns, the tanks, the nukes.

But less than two decades ago we saw scores of governments in the Soviet Empire lose their legitimacy, fail, and be replaced by different governments.

California is leading the way — its usual trend-setter role — in de-legitimizing American governments, including the federal behemoth. As I’ve been saying, last week’s California Supreme Court ruling “legalizing” same-sex “marriage” is a mammoth joke. Every time I think about I’m overcome with laughter, even when I’m off the bourbon.

The latest joke is that our ridiculous governor, best known for prancing almost naked before audiences in a contest resembling that for Miss America, says “legalizing” this joke will help the California economy (after he’s wrecked it).

So, here’s how Arnold thinks it would work: The future Mr. & Mr. X fly into San Francisco and spend a lot of money on their “marriage” ceremony and party, thereby boosting the California economy; then they like it here so much they move here and pay taxes happily ever after. Arnold wastes all the money.

That’s Arnold’s fantasy.

The reality is that the future Mr. and Mr. X will look on the Internet and see how high taxes and regulations are in California, causing sky-high room and party costs. So, the’ll plan their party for Reno; then they’ll slip across to California to get “married” at a cost of maybe $100, returning Reno to party with their friends, giving Nevada their custom and taxes.

The whole escapade is so humorous that only a de-legitimized government could perpetuate it. Let’s just keep laughing at the California government until it goes away.

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