Ron Paul, not Gov. Arnold, is rebranding the GOP

arnoldIf he hadn’t gone into politics, by now Gov. Arnold would be filming “Terminator VII: Terminator vs. Predator vs. Alien, Beyond Thunderdome,” directed by Sylvester Stallone and co-starring Dolph Lungren and Vin Diesel.

Instead, he’s amusing us from the governor’s office. His latest humorous idea: Republicans need to “rebrand” themselves, and stop being right-wingers.

But since when have modern Republicans — besides Ron Paul — been right-wingers? The right wing always wanted to balance the budget, which Gov. Arnold has not done any more than has President Bush or the Republican Congresses of 2000-2006. And right-wingers — such as the great Sen. Bob Taft of the 1940s and 1950s — favor a modest foreign policy. It’s liberals — Truman, JFK, LBJ — who began invading the world after World War II. Bush’s policy of invading the world comes from his neo-“conservative” advisers, who aren’t conservatives at all, but neo-Leninist-Trotskyists.

Columnist Paul Mulshine explained:

[Bill] Kristol is in fact a neoconservative and neoconservatism is, as conservative columnist George F. Will so aptly put it, “a spectacularly misnamed radicalism.”

The radicalism of the neocons is rooted in the thought of Leon Trotsky, the Russian revolutionary whose theory of worldwide liberation was passed down to the lesser neocons by Kristol’s father, New York intellectual Irving Kristol. (If you are not aware of this connection, please Google “Kristol and Trotsky” before you go any further).

So, when Arnold implicitly criticizes Bush — whom he helped elect in 2004 — for being right-wing, he’s covering up that Bush really is left-wing.

Gov. Deficit

Arnold’s own legacy always will be that he soon will become the first governor in California history never to sign a single balanced budget, although in his case he will have had 7 chances. His budget won’t be balanced this year. And his last two years in office it won’t be balanced, either, because of the recession. What a legacy.

Yet he was elected in the 2003 special election after Gov. Gray Davis was recalled for running up a $20 billion deficit! What a phony.

His other ideas also have fizzled. His $15 billion socialized medicine scheme was so Soviet that even the leftist Democrats who run the state Senate turned it down. His Gore-ish obsession with a global-warming apocalypse is disproved by science.

Arnold became governor only because:

1. He’s a celebrity. He brought not a single new idea or policy to the campaign.

2. It was a special election, without a primary. If it had been a normal election, he would not have been nominated by the GOP because of his leftist views.

He was re-nominated by the GOP in 2006 because Republicans are too deferential to those in power, and because the economy hadn’t yet imploded and the deficits exploded.

The Ron Paul Rebranding Revolution

The real re-branding of the GOP is being conducted by Ron Paul. He’s doing what Barry Goldwater did in 1964: Winning by losing. Paul’s Revolution is growing like grassfire among young folks. By contrast, know any young folks enthusiastic about Arnold?

Ron Paul’s new book, “The Revolution,” was No. 1 on Amazon and the NY Times bestsellers lists. It’s sold out in most Orange County bookstores.

Currently, it’s No. 12 on Amazon — but they won’t even ship a copy until May 25 because the publisher can’t keep up.

By contrast, Arnold’s top book is his “The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding,” which ranks a pathetic 1,149.

If you want to pump up your biceps, buy Arnold’s book.

If you want to pump up your liberties, buy Ron Paul’s.

Arnold is a has-been bodybuilder, a has-been actor, and soon will be a has-been governor.

Ron Paul, amazingly, although a 72-year-old grandfather, is the exciting leader of the new, youth-energized Freedom Movement in America — the heir to the Founding Fathers, the great President Grover Cleveland, Sen. Taft, Barry Goldwater, and Ronald Reagan.

Ron Paul, not Arnold, is the prophet of the iPod generation. Ron Paul, not Arnold, is rebranding the GOP into a post-Bush, post-Neocon, post-interventionism, post-police state, party of freedom.

Americans love freedom and won’t settle for the warmed–over Austrian socialism Arnold is offering up.

Ron Paul is leading the fife and drum corps of liberty to victory.


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