Free Barry Bonds! — indict Bush

barry bondsThe noose of fascist tyranny continues tightening around Americans’ necks. The Federal Fascists just slipped 15 more felony counts over the neck of Barry Bonds, the baseball slugger. The Chron reports:

Barry Bonds was charged in a new indictment Tuesday with 15 felony counts alleging he lied to a grand jury when he denied knowingly using performance-enhancing drugs and that he hampered the federal government’s doping investigation.

The career home run leader originally was indicted in November by a federal grand jury on four counts of perjury and one count of obstruction of justice.

What business it of these federal goons what Bonds took to enhance his performance? That’s a matter for baseball, which allowed such substances at the time Bonds allegedly took them.

And it’s typically hypocritical that the indictment comes from the odious Bush regime. In the mid-1990s, Bush himself was a co-owner of the Texas Rangers when players there were injecting steroids like a diabetic injects insulin. In his book, “Juiced,” admitted steroid juicer Jose Canseco, a member of Bush’s team, describes Bush as “most certainly knowing” about the steroid abuse.

If Bonds deserves indictment, so does Bush.

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