Dingbat Democratic tax-increase proposal

Democrats aren’t long going to enjoy running the whole government — as they will after Obama wins in November — if they raise taxes. Their latest idea: a surtax on millionaires to fund Iraq War veterans’ benefits. Speaker Nancy Pelosi is supporting the idea.

For one thing, how about ending the war, as Democrats promised in their 2006 victory campaign, so there aren’t any new Iraq War veterans?

But here’s the “reasoning” we’re getting, from Rep. Mike Ross of Arkansas:

So someone who earns $2 million a year would pay $5,000. … They’re not going to miss it….

He might not, personally, “miss it,” but his investments and businesses will — as well as the folks hired by his businesses.

Let’s change the equation a little. Somebody makes $20 million a year, so he won’t “miss” an additional $50,000 in taxes. But losing that money means he’ll have to fire a middle-class employee making $50,000 a year. The fired employee will go on unemployment and welfare, costing taxpayers more money, leading to even more tax increases

I’ve explained this over and over to Democrats for 30 years, but they just don’t get it.

Well, China’s economy is growing so fast that America can keep up only if we not only avoid tax increases, but cut taxes. (Oh, and stop wasting trillions on dumb wars.) It’s the only way to stay ahead.

Of course, when China is running America, the Democrats will have a “solution” to that: Raise taxes to teach everybody Chinese.

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