More evidence Rush Limbaugh’s “Operation KAOS” backfired

KAOSI’ve been ridiculing Rush Limbaugh’s Operation Chaos as Operation KAOS, after the enemy secret agency on “Get Smart.”

Rush’s Operation KAOS urged Republicans to vote for Hillary in the later primaries, thus delaying Obama’s victory and prolonging the campaign. Except that, as I pointed out, it gave Obama more time to hone his campaign skills.

Now the New York Times reports:

Mr. Obama’s advisers said that as a result of the five-month series of primaries and caucuses, he had a nearly national campaign apparatus in place and had identified and registered thousands of new voters. That said, they acknowledged that they were at a disadvantage in two important states — Florida and Michigan — because those states had early primaries in defiance of the Democratic National Committee, and the candidates agreed not to campaign there.

“Organizationally, we have now built very powerful organizations in every state but Michigan and Florida,” Mr. Plouffe said. “That is one huge silver lining to how long this nomination fight has gone on.”

pyrrhusYou might remember that Obama’s strong organization in Iowa brought him victory there, igniting the rest of his campaign. So, thanks to Rush’s Operation KAOS, Obama has strong organizations in many more states.

As Pyrrhus (shown at right) said in ancient times:

One more such victory and I am lost.

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