Rush Limbaugh wrong YET AGAIN on Obama

rushWhen your party’s been in power too long and lost its way, your sense of equilibrium gets thrown off balance. That explains Rush Limbaugh’s bad calls on the Democratic nomination. I’ve been detailing how he was wrong to call on Republicans to switch, for the primaries, and vote for Hillary to keep the Demo show rolling.

Now, Rush says he wants Obama to be the nominee! Supposedly because Barack is a worse candidate than Hillary:

I now believe he would be the weakest of the Democrat nominees. Barack Obama has shown he cannot get the votes Democrats need to win – blue-collar, working class people. He can get effete snobs, he can get wealthy academics, he can get the young, and he can get the black vote, but Democrats do not win with that.

This is part of Rush’s schtick that Obama appeals only to the elites, and is himself an elitist. Let’s see, when he was a baby, Obama’s Papa split for Africa. His Mom dumped him with Grandma. Obama did attend a private school in Hawaii. But my late father knew a guy who was from Hawaii and retired to Arizona. The guy said Hawaii’s government schools are so wretched — much worse even than mainland government schools — that anybody with a few coins to rub together tries to put his kids in private schools.

Obama went Harvard undergrad and Harvard Law because he’s really smart. True, his wife went Princeton undergrad and Harvard Law on affirmative-action scholarships, and resents it. But that only shows she’s not in the elite herself.

At the 2004 Demo convention, where he gave the keynote speech, Obama had trouble renting a car because his credit cards were maxed out. He’s done better since his books became bestsellers. And his wife got a big raise because he’s going to be the next president.

Then there’s the delicate matter of race, which nobody wants to talk about. Well, you won’t see many blacks at the elite country clubs around the country. There are a lot of “Country Club Republicans,” but no “Country Club Democrats” (although there are Limousine Liberals). Most people know that, so it’s hard to paint Obama as an elitist.

The real elitists

But let’s look at Rush, Mr. Proletariat: His father was a wealthy lawyer. Wikipedia notes:

Rush Limbaugh, Sr., Limbaugh’s grandfather, was a Missouri prosecutor, judge, special commissioner and served on Missouri’s state House of Representatives from 1930 to 1932.[5] Limbaugh’s grandfather was very well respected as one of the “patriarchs” of the Cape Girardeau community.

Rush himself is worth several hundred million dollars and lives in a huge compound somewhere in Florida. The only reason he’s not in the calaboose for buying illegal dope is because he’s been a sycophant to the Bush family for 20 years, including the sitting president and, at the time of his arrest, the governor of Florida, Jeb.

His Bush Oval Office pal grew up in an elite family and was a “legacy” matriculant at Yale, where, like his Pappy the ex-Prez and his Grandpapy the ex-Senator before him, he pledged Skull and Bones, the most elite secret society in the known universe.

The military elite

And then there’s John McCain. In this case, I don’t want to make it seem like like I’m trashing him, because I’m not. But he was a top officer in the U.S. Navy, almost an admiral. His father and grandfather were admirals. It’s true that this is service to the country. But as most Americans used to knew back when most men were drafted and so had firsthand knowledge of the military, a large part of the officer corps — and even the NCO ranks — is made up of guys (and now girls) who grew up in military families. The Pattons and MacArthurs are the most famous families.

Of course, there’s still room for talented people from non-military families to rise to the top, like Colin Powell. But McCain has spent all his life in government, or closely associated with government. How is he going to connect with Joe Lunchbucket?

Obama’s appeal to workers

obamaAlthough my late father was elected a judge when he was 42, he started out an humble tool and die maker and my grandfather was a master carpenter. They were union guys. I grew up in suburban Detroit, where the UAW dominated. 1/6th of my home town, Wayne, was a Ford factory. I can tell you that the unions will strongly back Barack, and their rank-and-file will follow them.

Another factor is that white working-class guys nowadays spend a great deal of time watching, even worshipping, pro players in the NFL (more than 60% black) and NBA (more than 90% black). Ever hear of Michael Jordan?

I think Obama will do exceedingly well among the working class. Maybe if Rush slipped out of his elitist compound and mingled with the masses, he would see that.

He also should face it that Republicans are going to get a well-deserved shellacking this November. After squandering almost every opportunity to reduce government since they won Congress in 1994 — leaving us with a government larger, nastier, nosier, and costlier than before — they deserve it.

3 Responses to “Rush Limbaugh wrong YET AGAIN on Obama”

  1. ems2002 Says:

    How can you complain about a government that is larger under Bush and then endorse a candidate who plans to tax the middle class in order to support the government programs they plan to put in place. If you listen to the democrats, how do you think they are going to pay for their healthcare plans, education, fixing social security, etc. They claim they will not raise taxes on anyone making 200k or less. What about social security? Watch your pay stubs everyone! It’s not just income tax, watch social security. This is where they plan to get us.
    John replies: Actually, I don’t support Obama, although I do prefer him to McCain because Obama likely will end the Iraq war. McCain will raise our taxes, too, for all his new wars, despite his tax-cut proposals. Not a good choice this year. I’ll probably vote libertarian.

  2. ems2002 Says:

    I didn’t want McCain either, but it was already decided before I had a chance to vote and I would also vote libertarian if I thought it would count. Obama thinks government exists to solve our problems. More government is the last thing we need in my opinion.

  3. natnat Says:

    i think mccain will relate to the joe lunchbucket just fine. and as far as growing up in a military family, and relating to war etc, he might have a better understanding of what america needs right now. not to mention, mccains own son has been to iraq to fight. i think he can relate just fine

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