Outrage: Mother jailed for nothing

WalshMarie Walsh is a wife and Mom from San Diego. Just in time for Mother’s Day, she’ll be extradited to Michigan because she split from prison 32 years ago after being convicted of dealing drugs. She could spend 10 to 20 years in prison. Her original name was Susan Lefevre

Her kids and grandkids will know her from now on only through a thick Plexiglas screen.

How absurd, like the whole “war” on drugs.

She made the mistake of getting a Gestapo ID card — otherwise known as a California Driver’s License, which includes a thumbprint. (Your papersz pleasz! Jawhol, mein Kommandant!) The thumbprint was compared to a Michigan thumbprint, part of our increasing police state.

Why couldn’t the authorities just leave her alone? Did they already catch all the murderers, rapists, and terrorists out there?

She’s supposed to “pay her debt to society.” What debt? She raised a family. Seems to me like “society” owes her a debt.

Government today has no mercy — and no chivalry. Can one imagine one of the great knights and kings of the past, such as St. Louis or Richard the Lionheart, perpetuating such an outrage against a wife and mother? St. Louis advised his son:

St. LouisIn order to do justice and right to thy subjects, be upright and firm, turning neither to the right hand nor to the left, but always to what is just; and do thou maintain the cause of the poor until such a time as the truth is made clear. And if anyone has an action against thee, make full inquiry until thou knowest the truth; for thus shall thy counsellors judge the more boldly according to the truth, whether for thee or against.

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