U.S. Snooze: More Big Government needed — right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right

Bush has increased Big Government faster than any Supreme Leader since LBJ. His Big Government Iraq War is costing from $3-5 trillion. Big Government’s Federal Reserve Board is inflating the dollar, forcing us all to pay big money for gas, food — eventually, everything. Big Government chokes our lives as never before, riding herd on our once-free people.

So what does U.S. News & World Report say we need? Why, even more Big Government! —

Here’s a little straight talk: Whether you pull the lever (or fill in the oval or touch the screen) for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama or even John McCain in November, you’re probably still going to end up in 2009 with a push for Big Government of the sort not seen in a generation. More taxes. More regulation. More spending. “It’s going to be like watching That 70s Show,” says Daniel Clifton, political analyst at Strategas Research Partners, which provides research to institutional investors….

If we are about to see the onset of Big Government 3.0 in earnest, future economic historians might well point to the housing-spawned credit crunch as the catalyst. The Federal Reserve’s recent power play—instigating the takeover of Bear Stearns by JPMorgan Chase and backing up the deal with $30 billion in loan guarantees—was unprecedented, as was its move to open up its discount borrowing window, previously limited to commercial banks, to investment banks.

But it was the Fed itself that caused the crisis by creating too much money, igniting inflation — and so boosting interest rates and crashing the housing market!

Injecting reality

beijingWell, reality does intervene. And I’ll give all America a big dose of it right here:

Chinese stocks soared Thursday after the government cut a tax on stock transactions in a move widely seen as an effort to boost slumping markets.

The rebound came as many global markets are recovering modestly after being battered since the start of the year amid worries about the U.S. credit crisis and slower global growth.

The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index surged as much as 9.6 percent in early trading, as investors resumed buying after weeks of holding back in hopes of market-boosting news. By midday, it was up 6.7 percent at 3,498.61.

The jump came after the government announced late Wednesday that it was cutting a stamp tax on share transactions to 0.1 percent from 0.3 percent. That reversed a tax increase May 30 when regulators were trying to cool surging stock prices.

That’s from a report on CNN.com.

Which 1970s?

U.S. Snooze said it was going to be like the 1970s. Except that until 1976, the mass-murdering socialist Mao ran China. It wasn’t until 1978-79 that they began their capitalist reforms. In 2008, Mao is long dead and the Chinese capitalist dragon is roaring. Their slogan: “To make money is glorious!” And there are 1.3 billion Chinese compared to 300 million Americans.

U.S. Snooze’s slogan: “To increase Big Government is glorious!”

maoGet it, America? The Chinese are coming down the railroad track right at us. And this time they’re not 19th century Coolies building the track, or 1960s Maoists shouting Cultural Revolution slogans. They’ve learned capitalism from America and now they’re out to best us. The 2008 Beijing Olympics is their coming out party. Given the poor quality of our “leadership” — Obama, Hillary, McCain? Ha! — they just might do it.

How can we stay ahead? Do what the Chinese are doing: cut taxes, keep spending low (no stupid, expensive wars, like in Iraq), innovate, compete.

Contra U.S. Snooze, there’s no other way.

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