Free Wesley Snipes!

snipesThe evil federal government just sentenced actor Wesley Snipes to 3 years in prison for three misdemeanor charges of not filing his taxes. It was the maximum penalty.

Three misdemeanors.

How about accepting his apology and accepting his check for payment? Nope. Not enough.

What a vicious government we have. The feds alone waste more than $3 trillion a year on unconstitutional wars, unconstitutional welfare schemes, unconstitutional assaults on our liberties — unconstitutional everything. And even that isn’t enough to steal from us. So they’ve put America’s citizens — even its children, born and unborn — in hock $9 trillion.

To get that kind of money they need to terrorize citizens into coughing up their hard-earned dough.

The news story reported:

“There’s nothing unusual about prosecuting a celebrity,” Judge William Hodges said. “[Snipes] never mentioned the words tax or taxes in his apology.”

Our Masters want us to grovel before them.

And the government loves to prosecute celebrities because it publicizes their terror and gets the little people to more readily go along. Remember how the odious Rudi Guiliani framed, demonized, prosecuted, persecuted, and imprisoned Leona Helmsley and Michael Milken?

This is not a free country. Just ask Wesley Snipes.

4 Responses to “Free Wesley Snipes!”

  1. John Smith Says:

    You raise some good points. Questions also need to be asked as to why celebrities such as Paris hilton who instead of not providing the money to drop bombs is driving around drunk and threatening her own life and others. Three years for Wesley and three months for Martha..kind of makes you wonder as to the fairness of the upcoming Election….

  2. Eric Says:

    To: The President of the United States of America
    Free Wesley Snipes
    Wesley Snipes was sentenced to a maximum of three years in federal prison for three misdemeanor convictions of failure to file his income taxes.
    We the undersigned demand his immediate release.


  3. mike Says:




  4. Unforgiveable Woman Says:

    I hope there will be much more social interest, with a strong supportive social cause, with media support, for Wesley Snipes—-outside of a sleezy Hollywood’s need for cheap raging scandelous publicity. There is an absolute need for celebrity exposure of our own governments’ political woes now—our corrupt and unaudited corporate hierarchies—-Congress on the threshold of Power Broker Baby Boomers—-where there has been major problems of corporate corruption and predatory cover up—-political abuses in our government investigative sciences—very possibly that has been going on for quite some time—since Watergate and the Deregulation of our Energy Industry. Our Threshold of our Light Energy Sciences and Technologies—-and all our human DNA, all the genetic research; all our information technologies—-is light energy based………Light Energy Technologies and the media—–our information power sources—-( Time Magazine: “Shaping Life in the Lab”;”Creation Power in the Lab” ); “Environmental Control Inustries”; “Information Technologies”— corruption in our information technologies industries ( UNISYS); Militant Gay hate culture take-overs and predatory cover up hate culture; corruption with forensic fraud in the Frederick Whitehurst case; forensic fraud in the State Police with the Joseph Kopera case….Creation power eyes and ears…
    I keep a white flowered lei on my car dash rear view mirror for Wesley…..

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