Did Aristotle make $828,000 a year like new University of California Prez Yudof?

aristotleAristotle has the greatest claim for being the world’s smartest human. He’s the only person who invent two entirely new sciences, logic and biology.

He taught by walking with his students around Athens, hence his followers formed the Peripatetic School of philosophy. There was no expensive “physical plant,” no massive bureaucracy, no overpaid overseers. Just wisdom.

I wonder what old Ari would have thought about the $591,894 a year salary, plus generous perks boosting the total pay to well over $828,000, that will be paid to new University of California President Mark Yudof, who said of his high salary:

It will get my adrenaline going. It will be fun.

Not fun for taxpayers trying to meet mortgage payments in a crashing economy. His comment should give Yudof a red nose.

His base salary is 46% above the $405,000 made by the previous Berkeley president. Did you pay rise 46% this year?

Nowadays, learning in the entire UC system is so suffused with political correctness that Aristotle is disdained as another DWM — dead white male. Most students are more likely to have heard of Aristotle Onassis.

yudofBut Yudof’s absurdly high salary is yet another reason to entirely privatize the higher learning in California and the rest of America. Cut the schools loose from government: That would be real academic freedom. And end all government subsidies, grants, and student loans, which are just means of government control of what should be free universities.

Liberate the universities! Liberate the professors! Liberate the students! Liberate the taxpayers!

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