Governor Clint Eastwood? Go ahead, make our day

eastwoodOur current action-hero governor, Arnold, hasn’t gotten rid of the state’s budget problems. Time to try another action hero: Clint Eastwood.

“Dirty Harry” was just fired by Arnold from the state Parks Board. This is his chance to run for governor in 2010.

Imagine Clint confronting the spendthrifts in the state Legislature. When they don’t pass a balanced budget by the July 1 deadline, and refuse to do so even by September, Gov. Clint squits and says, “Go ahead, make my day.”

Unlike Arnold, who had no experience holding office prior to his fluke election in 2003, Clint has experience. He was mayor of Carmel.

Somebody with real guts has to deal with the Big Wasters in the Legislature. And Clint’s just the guy to do it.

Eastwood for Governor in 2008.

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