Is Russia more capitalist than the USSA?

As America declines into the bog of socialist imperialism, Russia is rising as a major capitalist power. Just look at this graph of the value of the dollar declining against the ruble over the past 2 years:

ruble dollar

That’s what happens when your country is taken over by people who act more like Brezhnev and Andropov than Washington and Jefferson. And by that I mean Bush and Cheney are Brezhnev and Andropov with their imperial expansionism, domestic police state, and socialist policies.

brezhnevAs the nearby pictures show, Bush even kind of looks like like Lenny Brezhnev, don’t you think?


Just a decade ago, the ruble was almost worthless. Now it’s the dollar that’s heading toward the value of toilet paper.

Russian wages grew so much in 2007 — 26.7% — that government officials are considering wage controls (which would be stupid). The Russian economy is growing at a torrid 8% rate. Meanwhile, America’s economy is crashing into a recession as wages stagnate and the mortgage crisis spreads.

Russia’s top income tax rate is just 13%. In “capitalist” America, it’s 35% for the federal tax (which Hillary and Obama want to increase to 38%). And most American states add another tax, which in California is 10.3% at the top rate. So the top rate in California, combined, is 45.3% — more than 3 times the Russian rate!

It was Karl Marx who mandated in “The Communist Manifesto” as one of his Ten Planks: “A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.” By Marx’s own definition, America is more than three times as Marxist as Russia.

And of course, America suffers under the burden of paying for Bush’s Iraq War, which is weighing down our economy much as Brezhnev’s Afghan War weighed down the Soviet economy in the 1980s. The latest calculation of its actual cost is in a new book, “The Three Trillion Dollar War,” by Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz. For that money, we could have canceled all federal taxes — every dollar and penny of them — for a whole year. Or we could have cut the national debt of $9 trillion by one third.

After almost 8 years of Bush-Cheney, America has become a pitiful, helpless, shrinking giant on its way to socialist penury. The USA is becoming the USSA: The Union of Soviet Socialist America.

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