Tridentine Latin Mass returns to St. Mary’s by the Sea

St. Mary's by the Sea

Even if you’re not Catholic, this is significant. Imagine what would happen if, tomorrow, all the rock radio stations in America started playing Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis, Mozart’s Requiem, Palestrina’s Missa Papae Marcelli, and Bach’s B Minor Mass for six hours a day (the previous links are to YouTube videos, if you want to listen to some samples). Or, for that matter, if they started playing old-style Protestant hymns.

Culture always trumps politics, and in fact politics comes from culture. That’s why the most important event this year was not anything in politics, but Pope Benedict XVI’s Motu Proprio (decree) restoring the Tridentine Latin Rite throughout the Catholic Church; the Pope even noted that, contrary to widespread belief, the Tridentine Mass never had been banned.

At St. Mary’s by the Sea’s High Mass today at noon, the Mass truly was “the most beautiful thing this side of heaven,” as someone observed years ago about the Tridentine Mass. Said by Fr. Xavier, a Norbertine priest, and accompanied by a competent choir, the Mass was sublime and inspiring. About 120 people were in the pews, significantly more than have attended the noon Mass, said in Latin but in the Novus Ordo rite, in recent weeks.

I snapped the picture above on my cell’s camera. Note the six candles on each side of the altar, indicating High Mass, and the the priest facing toward the altar, not the people.

The Tridentine Mass long was at St. Mary’s until its pastor, Fr. Daniel Johnson, retired 3-1/2 years ago; he died earlier this year. A lot of parishoners then fled the church, some to chapels that still featured the Tridentine Mass but were not affiliated with the the local bishop, Tod Brown. As I’ve mentioned before, I never would attend an unapproved Mass (except as a journalistic observer). But there’s no doubt that these chapels around the world were one reason, among many, the Pope issued his order, as he indicates in the text of the Motu Proprio.

The Motu Proprio was supposed to be implemented in September, but Bishop Brown delayed that until today, Dec. 2. Well, even though I haven’t exactly been a fan of Bishop Brown’s administration of the diocese, I’m not going to grouse about the delay, as some have done. 2-1/2 months isn’t too long to wait. The Bishop was busy with the controversy over Msgr. Urell‘s testimony and departure for Canada. And Fr. Martin Tran, the pastor, just spent a month in his native Vietnam.

I talked briefly with Fr. Tran after the Mass and he was happy. I don’t know if he recognized me as the author, along with my former colleague Steven Greenhut, of the Register blogs in spring 2006 that sparked the infamous kneeling controversy, which became an international cause celebre.

But for Fr. Tran, the controversy is over. He followed the Bishop’s wishes during the kneeling controversy, even though it sparked the controversy. But now he has also followed the Bishop’s wishes in smoothly bringing the Tridentine Mass — which is filled with kneeling — back to St. Mary’s. It make take some time, but I suspect that most of those who left St. Mary’s because of the controversies will come back.

And Bishop Brown did what he’s supposed to do: advance what the Pope called, in the Motu Proprio, “an interior reconciliation in the heart of the church” by accommodating the needs of tradition-minded Catholics. Until now, the Tridentine Mass has been offered officially in Orange County only early in the morning in out-of-the-way parishes.

Although the vernacular Mass, the Novus Ordo, can be said beautifully, usually it’s said to the accompaniment of insipid guitars and drums imitating the sound of  Peter, Paul, and Mary (the 1960s folk-rock group, not the saints). I always wonder why they don’t go all the way and play adaptations of the kind of shock rock I listened to as a teenager, with the volume turned up to 11 to annoy my parents: The Who, Hendrix, Zeppelin, the MC5, the Stooges. If I’m gonna have to listen to rock music at Mass, instead of “Kumbaya,” make it “Purple Haze” turned up loud enough to make me need a hearing aid.

But I don’t need to worry about that now because I can just attend the Tridentine Mass at St. Mary’s.

It’s a blessed day and all Orange County will receive many graces.

(Keep up with my blog. Sign up for my RSS feed. And click here to hire me for your writing projects.)

5 Responses to “Tridentine Latin Mass returns to St. Mary’s by the Sea”

  1. Patty Says:

    Warm greetings in the True Christmas Spirit!

    I hope all is well, you seem very knowledgeable. I read through your blogs–very sharp indeed! Do you have a Doctorate in Divinity or Philosophy?

    Anyhow, I was wondering if you could give some priceless advice. I am thinking of buying some good old Catholic theology books for some family members and loved ones, and well, I recently received an advertisement for this very interesting book called “Communicatio in Sacris: The Roman Catholic Church against Intercommunion of non-Catholics” by Mr. William J. DeTucci.

    I was wondering if you have seen any book review on this book? I could not find anything on the author. It seems the book talks about the Role of Vatican II in the Modern World and how some Traditionalists have resisted many of the Modernistic teachings of Ecumenism, Religious Liberty, and the New Mass, as opposed to the old Latin Tridentine Mass. However, I also recently read Benedict XVI’s Motu Proprio (, which seems to be give the Liberty of “Open Communion” to so-called Traditional Catholic Groups who dissent from Vatican II, i.e. Marcel Lefebvre’s SSPX, Mark Pivarunas’ CMRI, Clarence Kelly’s SSPV, Br. Michael Dimond’s Most Holy Family Monastery, the various Saint Benedict Centers, Jason Spadafore’s Raphael Society, Patrick Taylor’s Society of the Virgin Mary, and so many other Independent Bishops at Large)–all who promote Intercommunion Latin Mass Ritual, of course! I think the Spirit of Vatican II is really being recognized now by many of the Traditionalists who once followed Bishop Lefebvre in resisting Vatican II Conciliar Reforms, but since the Motu Proprio Latin Mass Ecumenism has been widely promoted and it has been “well received” by many of these same various Traditionalists Sects and also by many Liberal Bi-Ritual Bishops who offer both the Latin Mass and Ecumenical Modern Liturgies.

    However, breaking the rule of judging a book by its cover, and only peaking its table of contents, it seems to me this book is an itchy reaction to this Neo-Ecumenism that both Greek and Latin Churches have been involved with. Not sure if you have read the book, or know of some theologian who has written a review? Here is the link to the contents that I browsed:

    and also here:

    I would most greatly appreciate any book review that you or a theologian has done. This book seems to have positive merit in as much it claims to be “a Compendium of Roman Catholic Doctrine on the subject of Intercommunion with non-Catholics. This book produces the overwhelming theological consensus for the Dogmatic Teaching condemning Intercommunion with non-Catholics, putting together a treasury of Sacred Scriptures, Church Fathers, Doctors, Saints, Theologians, and Popes who have written on the matter.”

    However, I just wanted to verify that before I make my last minute shopping for this Christmas & New Year Season.

    May God bless you all!

    Kind regards,


  2. Bishop Dr. Joseph John Violet of St. Vitus Says:

    Patty et al,

    I read your blog. Thanks for the information on the Dogmatic Topic of Intercommunion. I studied at an Orthodox-Anglican Monastery in Greece for some time before going to graduate school at Oxford, so I got a special place in my heart for Eastern Monasticism with a little Latin touch, of course! However, now I am a High Anglican Bishop (we celebrate a Tridentine Style Liturgy), who has valid lines from the Orthodox Churches. I am very moved by your page, and I recently got the book Patty mentioned (thanks for the referral) a very Hot! Roman Catholic Theology Book, that is troubling my current position called “Communicatio in Sacris: The Roman Catholic Church against Intercommunion with non-Catholics.”

    I am thinking of converting over to the Traditional Latin Roman Catholic Church and now talking with a Bishop in France who gave this book of Dr. DeTucci “Two thumbs up!” I must confess I am very close to joining Prime Minister Tony Blair in his voyage from Anglicanism to Roman Catholicism (who I actually met once at the Canterbury Abbey of St. Augustine in England):

    I personally give Dr. DeTucci TWO THUMBS WAY UP for his Patristic and Dogmatic Scholarship! Indifferentism is a Major Problem, and it has caused the Mass Murder and Holocaust of Abortion today, sadly to say.

    I would love to review any Mainstream Periodical that has read through DeTucci’s Book, but I may write my own yet. I love to read first more established Scholars, you seem to be a top notch scholarly periodical online. Any degrees? I studied at Oxford, and thank God, I realized the Main Anglican Succession is invalid. That’s why I had communion with the Eastern Orthodox Church, but I am rethinking my Economy of Sacramental Grace thanks to Doctor DeTucci (who I heard studied at the Lateran in Rome).

    And thank you!

    Sincerely in Christ Our Lord,

    + Most Reverend Bishop Dr. Joseph John Violet of St. Vitus, M.A., D.D., Ph.D.

    London, England

    P.S. Patty (are you Irish?), I meant to ask you, if you had any Communication with the so-called “Latin Tridentine Church” headed by Bishop Michael Cox in Ireland? I had the pleasure of meeting the famous Hollywood Personality, that is, the priestess-Bishop Sinead O’Connor (better known as the Hollywood Pop Singer from Ireland):

    She celebrates an Intercommunion Service of the Latin Tridentine Mass, and I am not sure if Bishop Clarence Kelly, the Scholar-Bishop of Oyster Bay, New York, has written a review of her lineage? I heard she comes from the controversial lineage of the late Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc of Vietnam (the same line that Bishops Daniel Dolan and Donald Sanborn claim their fame to). Any insights?

  3. Nancy William Says:

    Has anyone else seen this book by Mr. William J. DeTucci?
    He came to my church once, and argued with the priest, he was married at the time. He came back, a few year later, and did the same thing without a wedding ring. He’s a heretic, I don’t think (by his definition) he’s a true catholic.

  4. True SV Says:

    I read snippets from google. The book has good quotes. He is too emotional and full of ad hominems, redundant ad hominems. He is a worldy child who loves rock music and video games. Just look at his upcoming dracula book. What a wanna be theologian. If he had just charity and respect against when trying to correct his opponents his arguments might be worth a response. But who would ever respond to such a book in his writing style. Look at how much he charges compared to mhfm. Plus his attacks on sanborn, cekada, etc. Are immature. His book is a disservice to the faith. Illl stick to Cajetan and Turrcremata. Unless you can sift a bad attitude and straw I wouldn’t recommend it anyone, good only for quotes, everything detucci gotta go.

  5. +archbishop martin pius kelly Says:

    what a bunch of pompos fools you are in relation to this outrage slander on tridetine clergy from the line of +archbishop thuc we are as valid as any priest or bishop on earth, and the rotten liars of the vatican have the gaul to slander us, when the are a bunch of tratiors, and sweet voiced liars, we are valid and put the record straight, or bring the bishop of rome to me, and i will put him straight, and will reveil the discracefull way the treated archbishop Dr. thuc, look at the child abuse of the roman catholic church costing billions , and you call us socalled, come to ireland and tell me that sincerly in jesus christ +tridentine leader of saint peter, carlow ireland +Archbishop dr. martin Pius kelly D.D. O.S.P. email mobile no 0860664976

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