Arnold’s fascist anti-smoking law

fascism smokingWhy did some of you ever voter for Arnold? Why didn’t you back McClintock back in 2003?

Now, we still have to put up with this steroid-bloated statist for another three years.

He just signed a law banning smoking in cars with children. The law totally usurps parental authority over their own kids. Why have kids if you won’t be raising them, but Arnold will? He’s not only Big Brother, but Big Fuehrer.

This is a law even the fanaticaly anti-smoking Schickelgruber didn’t think of while running Germany, 1933-45.

When such tyrannies occur, it makes me better understand why folks in foreign countries put up with tyrannies for so long. Governments just do what they want to and brainwash most people into thinking it’s “fantastic,” to use Arnold’s favorite word.

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