Recall Arnold over electricity blackouts

Just four years ago, Gov. Gray Davis was recalled largely because he “panicked” during the electricity grid and power outages earlier in the decade. Then Arnold came into office promising to “terminate” the power problems.

Now the California power outages are back. Reported AP:

Southern California Edison said 20,000 customers in Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, Riverside and San Bernardino counties had no electricity, spokesman Steve Conroy said.

Gray at least had an excuse: That few knew how badly the 1996 regulatory changes (not “deregulation,” as was falsely reported) had messed up the state’s electricity system.

But Arnold has no excuses. He came into office in 2003 promising to end the blackouts and fix the electricity system. He’s had four years to do so, but has not fixed the problems. The blackouts are back.

He should go.

Recall Arnold.

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