Democrats want to tax my cigars even more

smokingVoters elected Democrats to run Congress for one reason: to end the Iraq War. The Democrats still haven’t done so.

Instead, they’re trying to increase the taxes on my cigars 20,000%. That’s not a typo. For each cigar, the tax would rise from the current 5-cents to $10.

Of course, that would only fuel a huge black market. There’s already a black market for Cuban cigars, thanks to the silly embargo on Cuban goods, a relic of the Cold War.

The money from the cigar tax would go to one of the worst programs in which the feds usurp parental power and take over the health care — and lives — of little children, SCHIP, for Soviet Children’s Health Program. Another tyranny.

At times like these, it’s worth remembering that the most famous anti-smoking fanatic in history was Adolf Hitler.

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