Recall Attorney General Moonbeam

brownEven if you don’t live in Nutsifornia, you’ve probably heard of our Gov. Moonbeam. That was the name the late Chicago Tribune columnist Mike Royko gave to Gov. Jerry Brown.

Now Brown is attorney general of Nutsifornia. And he wants to shut down development in California.

A.G. Moonbeam is using a law called AB32, which another of our Nutsifornia nuts, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, signed into law last year. Moonbeam is suing San Bernardino County to halt development there unless it complies with Moonbeam’s interpretation of AB 32. Effectively, he wants to be not just governor again, but Sultan of California.

If he gets his way, housing development in the state would grind to a halt. The price of a house, already at a median of $650,000, would rise to $6,000,000. The middle class, already leaving Taxifornia, would stream out like the Vietnamese Boat People did from their country after the 1975 Fall of Saigon. The state population, currently 37 million and rising to 60 million by midcentury, would drop to around 5 million.

Which would make the state a nice nature preserve to be enjoyed only by rich Leftists like Brown. That’s the point.

Which is why he must be recalled, now. We recalled a bad governor, Gray Davis, in 2003. We can recall A.G. Moonbeam.

One Response to “Recall Attorney General Moonbeam”

  1. Stella Says:


    You are sadly lacking in California history. Governor “Moonbeam” got his pseudonym because, back in the 1970s, he provided money to investigate satellite communication among California state offices instead of having state employees spend money on gas and pollute the state.

    You might note that Brown also lived in a three-bedroom apartment while he was governor to save the taxpayers money because he believed he didn’t need to live in the governor’s mansion and create further waste of energy.

    Further, you err when you state he wants to shut down industry. As mayor of Oakland, Brown worked with FedEx to center their headquarters in Oakland if they agreed to run electricity primarily from solar power. The company, through Brown’s leadership, succeed in cutting the use of oil by 80%. Brown is actually business friendly: however, as an environmentalist, he is working hard to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

    Obviously, you are unaware that San Bernardino is one of the most polluted and smogiest areas in Southern California. Brown is attempting to reverse that trend through AB32, which is why he firmly supports the area’s compliance with the bill.

    The effects of global warming just arose in the public awareness over the last few years: Brown saw the problems coming in the 1970s.

    Your lack in understanding California politics is evident. If you are unfamiliar with Gov. Brown’s great work and that of his father, Gov. Pat Brown, you’re not a Californian. And if you don’t like our politics, I’ll be happy to show you out of our state.

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