Mickadeit on Progressives vs. the Tridentine Latin Mass

MassAs I mentioned in my previous blog, Frank Mickadeit today published the second of his two-part column on the Tridentine Latin Mass expanding in Orange County. He says some people said this would mean a new “Inquisition” against Progressives.

Actually, it’s orthodox Catholics remaining in the Church who have been persecuted by the Progressives. Ever since the vernacular Novus Ordo (New Order) Mass was promulgated in 1969, we’ve been treated badly just for wanting a decent Mass — in the Novus Ordo itself! Orange County is fortunate because there are about 1 million Catholics here, and numerous good priests. So it’s not hard to avoid the clown masses they used to have at Sts. Simon and Jude in Huntington Beach. Or the devil-distributing-communion Halloween Mass just last year at Corpus Christi Church in Aliso Viejo, or the … but you get the point.

For Progressives, all is permitted — except the Mass that goes back almost 2,000 years.

People in less populated areas have not been so fortunate and often were stuck with a Progressive priest who wouldn’t budge on anything. Inquisition? It’s orthodox Catholics who have spent 40 years burned by a Progressive auto da fe.

This is the same persecution all of us, not just Catholics, experience whenever the Progressives start running things, such as the P.C. inquisition at universities.

And it’s the Progressives, let’s remember, who let loose the perverts on the children in the abuse scandal. Cardinal Mahony, one of the top Progressives, just shelled out $660,000,000.00 of his people’s money to avoid a trial in the abuse cases he condoned. Nationally, the total bill so far for the Progressives’ malfeasance is: $2,000,000,000,000.00. That’s $2 billion. Then there’s the immense human cost on the souls of the children and families abused.

“Progressives have little to fear,” Mickadeit concludes. That’s true, but the Progressives are dying out. Orthodox families have more kids, and sons more likely to become priests, than do Progressive families. And unlike in the 1960s, when no one knew the horrors that were in store for us, everybody knows the score now.

The Pope noted this in his Motu Proprio on bringing back the Tridentine Latin Mass:

it has clearly been demonstrated that young persons, too, have discovered this liturgical form, felt its attraction and found in it a form of encounter with the mystery of the most holy Eucharist particularly suited to them.

It’s the Progresssives who are out-of-date, living in a 1960s world, and who have impeded change.

Now it is they, old and ready to shuffle off this mortal coil, who will have to heed Dylan’s shout from the 1960s:

Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin’.
Please get out of the new one
If you can’t lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin’.

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