L.A. Times is crashing

Things are so bad at the L.A. Times that they’re going to run front-page ads, long a taboo in the newspaper business:

In a memo to employees, Publisher David Hiller said the ads would raise several million dollars at a time when revenue is down sharply, the newspaper reported on its Web site.

Overall revenue dropped 10 percent and cash flow plunged 27 percent in the second quarter, making it “one of the worst quarters ever experienced,” Hiller said. Ad revenue has declined 8 percent this year, he said.

I guess liberalism isn’t selling to a shrinking “Anglo” population. And the burgeoning Latino population picks up their own, Spanish-language newspapers, such as La Opinion.

And everybody’s going online. You’re there.


One Response to “L.A. Times is crashing”

  1. Dietrich Says:

    Bye bye, you liberal left wingers, wake up and smell the roses, your days are numbered. The silent majority are coming alive. we are sick of you, the majority of Americans have had it with congress and the rest of you. We are sick of hearing the lies.
    “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics…”
    Mark Twain

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