Hillary: Nixon really won 1960 election

hillaryDid you know that young Hillary Rodham grew up a Goldwater Republican conservative? She only became radicalized in the late 1960s.

In 1960, she even found proof that JFK’s political machine stuffed ballot boxes in Illinois, where she lived. Nixon actually won in 1960 in both Illinois and, therefore, the nation.

That story comes from the new biography, “Her Way: The Hopes and Ambitions of Hillary Rodham Clinton,” by Jeff Gerth and Dale Van Natta Jr. Here’s a summary from CounterPunch magazine (not online) on the 1960 election,

the squeaker where the state of Illinois notoriously put Kennedy over the top, courtesy of [corrupt] Mayor Daley, [Mafia boss] Sam Giancana and [Kennedy mob moll] Judith Exner. Hillary was a Nixon supporter. She took it on herself to probe llegations of vote fraud. From the leafy middle-class suburbs of Chicago’s westside, she journeyed to the tenements of the south side, a voter list in her hand. She went to an address recorded as the domicile of hundreds of Democratic voters and duly found an empty lot. She rushed back to campaign headquarters, agog with her discovery, only to be told that Nixon was throwing in the towel.

What’s amazing is that Hillary was only 13 when she did that.

Can you imagine what would things would have been like had Nixon, who really won in 1960, become president? I think Nixon was a terrible president from 1969-72.

But from 1961-69, Nixon might have been a lot better, an extension of Eisenhower: a prudent foreign policy, not a quagmire in Vietnam. But he probably would not have gone for the Kennedy tax cuts that supercharged the economy in the 1960s, so the economy might have lagged; and so Nixon might even have lost a 1964 bid for re-election.

And a 1960 Nixon victory might have meant Hillary stayed a Republican in Illinois, married an accountant, and became a housewife with six kids in the suburbs whose favorite song was, “Stand by Your Man.”

4 Responses to “Hillary: Nixon really won 1960 election”

  1. R. Rogers Says:

    So what her allegiance changed? Look at the idealogical young people jumping on the Obama bandwagon today that know little about the man. The same idealogy Hillary possessed at 13. Young kids live on passion, whether they know better or not. It can be a very good thing. think it’s a good thing. And God I hope I don’t ever have to answer for things I did at 13!

    Besides, I know a lot of old hippie liberals that are now stuffy, fat Republicans, because they’ve become business owners and the greed set in.

    Everyone changes over a course of time. Life is supposed to be a lesson we learn through experience. If we don’t learn from that experience, we’re not likely to every change and grow. I tend to be liberal but find I share some common ideas with Repugs. That’s happened over a course of time. Truth be told, a goodly portion of college educated liberals are middle of the road, espousing both Republican, as well as, Democratic ideas.

    This middle of the road approach will go a heck of a lot further to bring the country back together, if that’s possible, than a bunch of airy speeches about hope. Americans suffer from horrendous apathy, to the point of being easily herded, so hope is only going so far as to get someone elected. Once that new president gets in office there won’t be some huge support system with everyone working together. The elected person’s greatest following will quickly become their greatest critics. We see it in the sport’s world every day. That new president better come out of the gates running this time because this exiting administration will leave one of the biggest messes in the history of our country. Our coffers are empty, we’re inextricably engaged with COMMUNIST China, many of our government agencies have been contracted out or privatized. Do you know when you send your income tax return in a private, for profit company processes it, not the government? And as far as altering all types of scientific reports the tip of the ice berg is just now being revealed.

    And more and more American want the government to do it all. That’s what got us into this Bush/Cheney mess, or should I say runaway government. The idea of big government even made the cover of U.S. News and World Report. People better be prepared for what’s going to turn up when the Bush/Cheney machine leaves.

  2. Roger L. Simon » Blagojevich, Obama and the fleas of Chicago Says:

    […] pathetic terrorist manqué), Rezko, Blagojevich, Mayor Daley (the old and the young), the theft of 1960 election and on and on. Chicagoans like to think it’s cute, all the corruption, but it’s not. […]

  3. Gringo Says:

    Yes, there appears to have been fraud in Chicago in the 1960 presidential election. However, if Nixon had carried Illinois, he still would have lost.
    Here is the electoral vote count.
    303 Kennedy
    219 Nixon
    15 Harry Byrd
    Transfer the 27 electoral votes of Illinois, and you get the following result

    276 Kennedy
    246 Nixon
    15 Harry Byrd


  4. Bob Allan Says:

    My grandparents both voted in the 1960 election in Chicago. They were picked up at designated stops by the Mayor Dailey machine in school buses—along with thousands of others. They were transported all across the city and both voted three times for Kennedy. They voted for dead people ad others. They got $5 a vote, a ham and swiss sandwich and a pitcher of beer. They laughed about it for years, bragging about “the Chicago way.” I always felt funny, realizing that Nixon really won the election. Just think, he would have been in that car in Dallas? I guess “the Chicago way” is alive and well with Barack. His Chicago gang is pulling off the biggest “country heist” ever performed in this country…whew, it’s a real joke…

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