Why aren’t feminists going after Villaraigosa?

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa dumped his wife for Telemundo TV bimbo Mirthala Salinas, and she is placed on leave? Where are the feminist factions with their outrage? Why aren’t they demanding his resignation, as I did earlier?carrie

Granted, Salinas broke up his home. But Villaraigosa is the one who dumped his wife, when he should have gone back to her, begging her on his knees in contrition. And it’s he who holds a public trust from the people who elected him.

Feminists need to go on the warpath, as their sister Carrie Nation (pictured at right) did against booze.

Feminists need to stop being A.W.O.L. and drive Villaraigosa from office.

2 Responses to “Why aren’t feminists going after Villaraigosa?”

  1. L. Zerne Says:

    Because us feminists understand the definition of a marriage and also that a woman who decides to help destroy one takes this risk on her place in society. Sad, but true. And, honestly- a person working as a journalist becoming involved with someone they are covering in the news is far more sleazy and unethical than someone who has been in a dissolving relationship dating behind the scenes. This relationship, while it surely ended his marriage, did not seem to greatly hinder Villaraigosa (or should I know say “Villar”?) from doing his work as mayor. If anything- he may have leaked more information than he wished to Latino News- but I doubt that (they probably would not have put her on leave).

    If this had been a woman who was a doctor, or even an unemployed former Denny’s waitress- I think their would be different opinions. However, this was someone who not only helped put the finishing destruction block on an already ending relationship, but also allowed it to interfere with her own aims in life.

  2. Benny Turpin Says:

    No, it’s because the people who have brainwashed feminists have been careful enough to program them to only go after white males. Period. As crappy as so many black and hispanic men treat women, you never, ever see the hypocritical, cowardly feminists go after them. They won’t because they’re scared. The white feminists are dumb enough to think the non-whites are their allies against white men and the non-white women will back their men, as they’ve been programmed. All of them suck at the lice ridden sack of Karl Marx. Idiots all.

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