US IQ increases: Antioch College closes

belushiThe most politically correct school in America long has been Antioch College of Ohio. “In 2000, the school had death row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal, who was convicted in the 1981 murder of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner, give a taped commencement address,” reported AP. Stalin must have been unavailable.

Now Antioch has closed.

It was notorious for requiring explicit consent for amorous activities between students, even kissing, for boys to avoid being charged with sexual harassment. An absurd group named Womyn of Antioch pushed for the policy.

Of course, in a better day the old Christian moral code banned anything beyond kissing before marriage, and colleges and universities upheld that code, mainly by teaching it. Which just goes to show that, when an ancient, natural, obvious moral code is dumped, some new totalitarian code takes its place.

Antioch is planning to design a “21st Century campus” for opening in 2012. They don’t get the irony. It’s already the 21st Century. And the up-to-date 21st Century college already exists, and is staring you in the face: it’s the Internet. Why waste a hundred thousand dollars getting brainwashed at a “college” or “university” whey you can get a decent education, and diploma, right at home for just thousands of dollars?

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